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Special Journals Publisher - SJP - PND +256700488917
Excellence beyond expectation

Special Pathogens Research Network in Crossref


Background for Special journals

The Special Pathogens Research Network is happy to announce that we are now members of the cross reference family. That confirms that all the 20 journals published by the Special Journals Publisher (SPJ) are now members of the cross reference family. Each of the journals can upload papers published by the journals to cross reference web base. Indexing is one way to bring the content of a publication to the world stage where the relevant experts can see and use the published content of the database for the good of the state holders.

The “publish or perish” dictum in universities, research institutes, and allied organizations has done well, but it has also hindered career growth for many young researchers worldwide. We want to replace “publish or perish” with “publish or publish”,  We can also develop and operate a system that will accommodate more research from underdeveloped and developing research settings and make the data available to the international research stage through capacity building in responsible research conduct and writing, to provide verifiable data to all professionals to help those in need when, where, and how needed.

Quality, cost-effective, accessible, measurable, innovative, novel, and research-based data are needed to influence growth, meet everyone’s needs, ensure a sustainable population, conserve/enhance the resource base, reposition skills for less exploitation, manage the environment, and impact the economy. Founded on nourishment, environmental preservation, and a harmonious interaction between man and nature, SJP’s sustainable development mission is to improve society today and tomorrow. Preserving nature is crucial to sustainability. Balanced economic growth, ecosystem protection, and equal resource access for all human communities define our strategy. Special Journal of Public Health, nutrition and Dietetics aim to improve the sustainable development database for tomorrow through non-profit open archives. Strong societies are knowledgeable and have access to crucial information needed to sustain development.

Our 20 Journals can now enjoy all the membership benefits which includes but not limited to the following facts outlined below;

Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics have the ability to generate and manage comprehensive metadata records, which include information about relationships, provenance, contributors, and funding. This ensures that the records are accurate and continue to exist throughout time even when the website of the original publishers are temporarily down. Through this action, Spec Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics are contributing to and profiting from the reciprocal connections that exist across a global network of research objects. In doing so, Spec Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics are co-creating a Research Nexus for the benefit of society, including potential future generations.

The presence of a Crossref record in a work increases the likelihood that it will be identified. Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics is now a part of the world’s largest registry of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and metadata for academic research. Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics work will be connected with more than 150 million other records from over 19,000 other members from about 151 countries. Every month, Crossref is responsible for facilitating an average of 1.1 billion DOI resolves, which may be defined as the clicking of a DOI link. This accounts for 95% of all DOI activity.

In a manner that is consistent and machine-readable, the metadata of Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics will be freely and publicly shared with others. There are over one billion requests to our application programming interface (API) every single month, which means that Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics do not need to replicate the information for various parties because your metadata is discoverable by thousands of other systems in the worldwide research ecosystem.

Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics may have access to one-of-a-kind resources that are designed to promote the integrity of research. These tools may include the incorporation of Crossmark status buttons on your landing sites and PDFs, as well as the utilization of Similarity Check to screen for instances of text-based plagiarism.

For the purpose of engaging in the governance of Crossref, Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics have the opportunity to vote in our board elections and/or to run for a seat. There are also a lot of possibilities that Special Journal of Public Health Nutrition and Diabetics may become involved with the entire community, to collaborate on the development of solutions to problems that are shared by everyone, to contribute to the formation and influence of our roadmap, and to participate in the discussions.



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